Joyce Redman


I have suffered from pain in my legs and feet for several years and after being unsuccessfully treated by another doctor, I decided to visit Dr. Stewart at the Timonium Foot and Ankle Center in October 2012. After a thorough exam by Dr. Stewart, I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and posterior tibial tendinitis and tight calves on both sides. Dr. Stewart started me with a conservative treatment plan that included physical therapy, wearing day splints, and night splints. I also began wearing Brooks Addiction shoes and compression stockings to control my swelling. Dr. Stewart made me custom foot orthotics and to wear in my shoes. Over the course of 2 years, my pain I improved, but I continued to have pain that limited me from doing the activities that I like and Dr. Stewart felt it would be best for me to have surgery to relieve my pain.

Prior to surgery, Dr. Stewart reviewed all of the procedures so I knew exactly what to expect after surgery and how to plan appropriately for the recovery. My first surgery was in May 2014 by Dr. Stewart at the Timonium Surgical Center. I had my left side operated on first and 2 years later I underwent surgery on my right side. During both surgeries, Dr. Stewart released my plantar fascia, decompressed my tarsal tunnel, drained fluid from my posterior tibial tendon, and released tight tissue in my calf.

Since my surgeries, I feel so much better. The only regret I have is that I did not come to the Timonium Foot and Ankle Center first. Dr. Stewart amazed me by his extensive medical knowledge, skills, talent, and treatment options. He was very patient and understanding about how I needed to proceed slowly with saving up enough time off of work so I had the enough time to recover. He has guided me on how to plan my work schedule so I could go through one surgery at a time and fully recover before planning the next surgery. Now that I am fully recovered, I have donated my shower chair and roll about to the Bykota Senior Center Loan Closet program as I do not need them anymore. Life is so much better for me now. I am grateful that I went ahead with the surgeries, physical therapy and using custom orthotics because together they gave me back my life.

Thank you Dr. Stewart and the wonderful staff at the Timonium Foot and Ankle Center.

* Results may vary from person to person