“My daughter is a year-round athlete playing both indoor and outdoor lacrosse and she is also a swimmer. She was having pain in her right Achilles tendon and along her ankle for six months and I took her to an orthopedist.
When we went to the orthopedist, we were told to take an anti-inflammatory medicine, but given no other guidance or treatment recommendations. My daughter was not getting any better.
I had seen a commercial for the Timonium Foot and Ankle Center. I never thought to take my daughter to a podiatrist for this condition, but I figured this is a foot and ankle center so they must treat the condition.
At my 1st visit, I was provided much more information regarding my daughter’s condition as compared to my experience with the orthopedist. Dr. Stewart diagnosed my daughter with Achilles tendinitis and posterior tibial tendinitis. He immediately treated her with bracing, splinting, and sent her for physical therapy.
From the start, a treatment plan and goals were clear and this made both me and my daughter very happy. I learned a lot about what a podiatrists does through this experience and anyone that I know with a foot and/or ankle problem I refer to Dr. Stewart.”
* Results may vary from person to person