“I am a very active individual and exercise is a big part of my life. During my senior year of high school I twisted my right ankle in dance class. Prior to this injury, I had ankle injuries that lead to pain and weakness with physical activity and the injury resolved, but this time was different. My ankle felt weak I couldn’t exercise or dance without pain. I decided to go to the Timonium Foot and Ankle Center for a visit with Dr. Jordan Stewart.
My first visit with Dr. Stewart was great. I described my condition including my level of pain and my symptoms of weakness and swelling. Dr. Stewart took x-rays and the bones were in good shape. My exam revealed a bad ankle sprain, tightness to my calf muscle, and a peroneal tendon injury. Dr. Stewart told me that he would treat me non-surgically, but warned me that if I didn’t get better that surgery could be required. The conservative care included rest, ice, a compression stocking, a rigid brace, and a night splint. Unfortunately I was not getting any better and Dr. Stewart placed me into a boot and he sent me for an MRI. Dr. Stewart was very helpful in explaining that “MRI’s should be taken with a grain of salt” and they are a tool to assist when performing a physical exam. The MRI showed that I had a peroneal tendon tear and my ankle ligament appeared to be in good shape. Dr. Stewart told me that my exam revealed instability and damage to my ankle ligament despite the MRI being read as normal. He explained everything in a way that made sense to a non-medical person.
When I was wearing the walking boot, I felt much better, but when I went without the boot my pain would return. As I stated above, Dr. Stewart had previously informed me that surgery was an option for treatment. The only conservative options remaining were physical therapy and therapeutic laser treatments. I decided to forgo the conservative options and pursue surgery. A few weeks prior surgery, Dr. Stewart met with my parents and me and explained the surgery in detail as well as the recovery period. He informed us that the exact procedures would be determined in the operating room after he opens the ankle up and evaluates the extent of the injury.
The surgery was performed on May 28, 2015. While in the operating room, Dr. Stewart noted that my ankle ligament was in very bad shape and the tendon itself had very minor damage, despite the MRI that suggesting otherwise. This was consistent with what he told me in the office and it was a testament to his experience and clinical skills. While in the operating room, Dr. Stewart performed a Modified Bromstrom procedure to repair my overstretched ankle ligament, he fixed the injured tendon, and he released the tension in my calf by performing a gastrocnemius recession. With the help of Dr. Stewart and his team at the Timonium Surgical Center, the surgery went smooth and without complications. The day after my surgery, Dr. Stewart called me to check in and see how I was feeling and I really appreciated this.
I am currently a little more than 4 months out of surgery and 2 months into physical therapy. I am able to walk without pain. After surgery and physical therapy, my ankle feels nearly 100% better then it did before surgery. I have been given the clearance to return to hip-hop dancing and I am very excited.
Dr. Stewart is a very welcoming doctor and listens to every concern a patient may have. He is very informative when describing the diagnosis, the treatment options and in my case the surgical procedures and recovery periods. He explains everything in detail so there are no surprises. He takes his time with patients and gives his best advice and honest opinion. With no doubt, I highly recommend Dr. Stewart for those with foot and/or ankle problems. My family and I are very thankful to have found Dr. Stewart.”
* Results may vary from person to person